

Students who plan to attend 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 on an F-1 visa must provide the necessary financial documentation as soon as possible so we can issue the appropriate immigration forms for them.


免费食宿宣誓书 – only for students who will be living for free off campus with a family member/friend

Please watch our short video that will walk you through the I-20 application and how to complete it properly: 完成I-20申请.

有关I-20申请流程的任何问题,请联系 I-20@cepstart.com. 我们不接受通过电子邮件发送的文件, 请将您的所有文件上传到您的招生门户.



美国以外的学生.S. should submit the I-20 application and financial documentation as soon as possible. 递交申请及所有证明文件的截止日期为:

秋季学期: 7月15日
春季学期: 11月15日

注意: 美国境内的SEVIS转学生.S. 可以在公布的截止日期之后提交此文件吗.



You must complete and submit the ENTIRE Application for Form I-20 and the 支持宣誓书. We cannot issue any official documents until we have received the entire 签署 I-20 application and affidavit. 宣誓书必须由担保人和学生双方签名.

  • DO NOT HANDWRITE – Only the signatures can be handwritten (note: an electronic signature can be used in lieu of a “wet” signature). 所有其他字段必须键入. 
  • 访问您的 本科生招生门户网站 or 研究生招生门户 并上传文件到相应的核对表项目: 
    • 护照: 上传护照正面页复印件. 
    • 签证: If you already have a valid visa (F-1 or otherwise) please upload a copy of it with your passport to the portal.
    • I-20及经济担保书申请: 下载可填写的申请表格.
    • 财务文件: 请参阅下面的资金来源说明.
    • If living off-campus for free with a friend or family member, you must also upload the 免费食宿宣誓书 form and supporting documentation under the “Application for Form I-20 or DS-2019/支持宣誓书” label in the admissions portal. 

重要的是: Ensure that you are uploading these documents to the checklist items with the corresponding names. 如果上传正确,a 绿色可选 会在24小时内出现在每件物品的旁边. 如果有任何 红色“x” 如果仍然存在问题,您必须重新提交缺失的项目。.


必须填写完整的申请表, 签署, 并提交给十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,以便签发I-20. 请参阅 估计I-20费用 浏览更多成本信息.

  • 第1页-十大博彩推荐排名州立大学I-20申请
    • 填写个人信息, 签证信息, 和SEVIS转移(仅适用于)部分.
  • 第2页-一个学年的预计费用
    • 此页是信息,不需要填写. Please locate your program of study to find your estimated tuition cost for one year.
    • Again, all costs are estimates, the final tuition bill will reflect the accurate cost of attendance.
  • 第3页-资金来源政策
    • 请仔细阅读我们的资助政策.
  • 第4页-学生证书
    • 第一部分:学生费用(学费、住宿费) & 伙食费、杂项费用、医疗保险、家属[如适用]). 使用第二页的信息来完成这一部分.
    • 第二部分:资金信息——列出所有的资金来源, 包括个人资金, 赞助商的信息, and 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 funding (only if you have been offered a scholarship of Graduate Assistant position).
    • 第三部分:家属-只在适用的情况下填写.
    • 第一部分的总数必须等于第二部分的总数.
  • 第5页-保证人证明表格(誓章)
    • Each sponsor must complete this form and must provide proof of available funds for the amount they will sponsor you for per year.
    • 可接受的资助文件见下文.

你的资金将永远与出席费用相匹配. 例如, 如果你每年的学费是47美元,822美元, 你的资金也会被列为47美元,822美元, 即使你的担保人承诺的不止这些. The Department of Homeland Security regulations state that a student only has to show proof of funding for the length of a single academic year.

在申请I-20表格之前,学生必须确保他们的资金. 一旦签发,我们将不会更改I-20的资金部分. 这包括但不限于, 增加个人资金, 增加当前赞助商的资助金额是有希望的, 或者在当前担保人的资金充足时增加一个额外的担保人.

我们只会发更新后的i -20,原因如下:
● Errors in the personal information section (incorrect spelling, mistakes in date of birth, etc.)
● Scholarship or Graduate Assistantships approved after initial I-20 has been issued


如果你正在接受学生贷款, 我们会将“其他资助”项下的款额列为“教育贷款”.“我们不把学生贷款列为个人资金. If you are planning to use your own funds or familial/sponsor funds in addition to your student loan, 当你最初申请I-20时,你必须提交所有这些文件. 再次声明,一旦I-20被签发,我们将不会更新其资金部分.

新生不能由十大博彩推荐排名的现有F-1学生担保. We also do not accept affidavits of free room and board that are completed by other F-1 students.

如果你计划带一个受抚养人, 你必须在你的I-20申请表上包括他们的信息, 还有他们的护照信息和任何必要的资金信息. We will not add dependents once the initial I-20 has been issued so please plan for your dependents accordingly.


Any combination of funds is acceptable as long as you demonstrate that you can cover the 一年的全额费用. Please note that all costs are estimated for immigration purposes and subject to change. 你的学费将反映在你的学费账单上. Only submit financial documentation once your source of funding has been finalized. Documents should only be submitted for sponsors that you want to appear on your I-20. 

关于资金的任何问题都可以直接联系 I-20@cepstart.com.


  • 日期必须在最近 三个 个月 
  • 必须清楚地列出帐户所有者的姓名吗 
  • 必须是英文(或翻译成英文)
  • 必须说明帐户类型(i.e. 存款、支票等.)
  • 必须说明币种吗


  • 我们不接受投资、房地产、保险政策或养老基金 
  • 所得税表,工资单,纳税申报表
  • 证明有“足够”或“充足”资金的信件或偿付能力证明, 或者“持证人有能力支持学生”. 银行证明信必须说明账户中可用的金额.



如果你是自费的,你必须 提供您的姓名的财务支持文件. The closing amount in the bank account must equal or exceed the amount you are sponsoring. 


An 支持宣誓书 必须由每位保证人填写吗. Each sponsor who completes an affidavit must provide financial support documentation. The closing amount in the bank account must equal or exceed the amount promised on the affidavit. 

请注意: If you are receiving funds from a business account (the bank account is listed under the business name, 不是个人), 你必须提供商业登记证, 上面写着企业所有者的名字。.企业的所有者必须填写并签署一份文件 支持宣誓书.


Please note the amount of confirmed scholarship or graduate assistantship funding on the affidavit. If the assistantship or scholarship does not cover the total cost listed in cost estimate, 你必须出示支付剩余费用的资金证明.


研究生助学金算在经济支持之内. Assistantships are offered for one year and are renewable later for another year (assistantships for doctoral  students are renewable for a maximum of 三个 years). You must indicate the amount of CONFIRMED assistantship funding in the affidavit and must upload other financial documentation that shows your ability to cover any remaining balance after deducting the award amount.

请注意: 校内就业不能作为资金证明.



  • 如果你正在接受雇主的资助, please provide a letter (on official company letterhead) which states the amount awarded to you and the duration of support.
  • If you are receiving funds from a business account (the bank account is listed under the business name, 不是个人), 你必须提供商业登记证, 上面写着企业所有者的名字。.

  • 企业的所有者必须填写并签署一份文件 支持宣誓书.


  • 如果你正在接受政府或雇主的资助, please provide a letter from that source stating the amount awarded to you and the duration of support.


You must provide an official letter from credit institution indicating approval of loan and amount approved. 这封信必须包括以下信息:

  • 该奖项所涵盖的时间 
  • 说明十大博彩推荐排名州立大学是学生就读的机构 
  • 给定时间段的支持总量


为你提供免费食宿的人也可以被视为担保人. 该保荐人必须提交一份 免费食宿宣誓书. Free room and board reduces room and board expenses from the total amount indicated above for each program. The affidavit of Free Room and Board will not be accepted if the place to live is too far from 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.

The sponsor must provide proof of residence in the form of a lease, utility bill, etc. -连同签署的宣誓书一起提交到你的招生门户. Documents should be submitted under the “Application for Form I-20 or DS-2019/支持宣誓书” label in the admissions portal. 

注意: 新生不能由十大博彩推荐排名的现有F-1学生担保. We also do not accept affidavits of free room and board that are completed by other F-1 students.