



Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Instruction, 科学与数学学院



The fundamental mechanism of natural selection is differential reproduction: selection favors individuals that reproduce better than others. Dr. Kight is interested in understanding how and why animals make decisions about this critical biological event. 通常使用无脊椎动物作为模式物种. Kight and his students investigate why some animals take care of their young (when most species do not) and when/why these caregivers decide to stop investing in offspring. Sometimes these questions require understanding how animals interact with other species, 比如捕食者. Dr. Kight and his students are currently turning their attention to how reproductive decisions are related to ecological competition between invasive and native species.


Herbert-Berger K.G.,古迪,N.鲁奇兹克,S.,奈特,S.L., & 马洛T.J. 2019. 为CS研究生过渡课程注入专业知识, 技术和数据科学能力. Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education. http://doi.org/10.1145/3287324.3293828

Kight, S.L.*科菲,G.L.谭纳,A.W.*德米特里,M.P.*特德斯科,S.L.*黄,J. *Aboagye, A.K. 2018. Recent changes in reproductive phenology of a K-selected aquatic insect predator, 异翅目, 负子蝽科). 昆虫学研究通报. 1-6.

*Casner, A.M.*法克曼,H.C.*Degtyareva, O. & Kight, S.L. 2016. 做女性西部
食蚊鱼(Gambusia affinis)喜欢雄性没有的装饰品? Ethology. 122: 1-10.

*齐默尔曼,K.I. & Kight, S.L. 2016. 四种节肢动物猎物对机械感觉的反应, chemosensory and visual cues from an arachnid predator: A comparative approach. 生命:生物学的兴奋. 4: 113-134.

K *赫加蒂.G. & Kight, S.L. 2014. Do predator cues influence turn alternation behavior in terrestrial isopods Porcellio laevis Latreille and 庸俗的犰狳? 行为过程. 106: 168-171.

Kight, S.L.谭纳,A.W.*科菲,G.L. 2011. 雄性巨兽终止孵蛋
水虫与季节、卵垫大小和雌性的存在有关. 无脊椎动物的繁殖和发育. 55:197-204.

Kight, S.L. 2008. 陆生等足类动物的生殖生态学(甲壳纲:盘尾纲). 陆生节肢动物综述. 1:95-110.

Kight, S.L.*斯蒂尔曼,L.*科菲,G.*卢森特,J., & *卡斯蒂略,米. 2008. 巨型水虫种群水平侧化行为的证据, 白腹蝇(异翅目:白腹蝇科): T-maze turning is left biased. 行为过程. 79: 66-69.

Houghtaling K. & Kight, S.L. 2006. 由地面等足体引起的基底振动响应的转动交替, Porcellio laevis (Isopoda: Oniscidea) from rural and urban habitats in New Jersey, USA. 昆虫学新闻. 117: 149-154.

Kight, S.L.盖纳,J.J. & Adams, S.A. 2006. Undergraduate research communities: A powerful approach to research training. 大学科学教学学报. 35: 34-39.

卡斯蒂略,M.E. & Kight, S.L. 2005. 陆地等足类动物的响应, Armadillidium vulgare and Porcellio laevis (Isopoda: Oniscidea) to the ant Tetramorium caespitum: Morphology, 行为和繁殖成功. 无脊椎动物的繁殖和发育. 47:183-190.

Kight, S.L., Eadie, C., Lynch, D.科埃略,J. & DeWera, A. 2005. 红背蝾螈的经典条件反射. 马里兰州爬行动物学会公报. 41:68-84.

Kight, S.L. & Nevo, M. 2004. 雌性陆生等足类, Porcellio laevis Latreille (Isopoda: Oniscidea) reduce brooding duration and fecundity in response to physical stress. 堪萨斯昆虫学会杂志. 77:285-287.

Kight, S.L. & Hashemi, A. 2003. Diminished food resources are associated with delayed reproduction or increased post-reproductive mortality in brood-bearing terrestrial isopods, 庸俗的犰狳. 昆虫学新闻. 114: 61-68.

Kight, S.L. & Ozga, M. 2002. 陆生等足动物Porcellio的繁殖成本
野鳗(等足目:野鳗总目):产卵和运动. 堪萨斯昆虫学会杂志. 74:166-171.

Kight, S.L.马丁内斯,M. & 利-,. 2001. Body size and survivorship in overwintering populations of Porcellio laevis (Isopoda: Oniscidea). 昆虫学新闻. 112: 112-118.

Kight, S.L.巴蒂诺,M. 张,Z. 2000. 巨型水虫的温度依赖性亲代投资, 白腹蝇(异翅目:白腹蝇科). 美国昆虫学会年鉴. 93:340-342.

Kight, S.L. 2000. Altered photocyclic regimes influence the duration of maternal care in a burrower bug (Heteroptera: Cydnidae). 昆虫学新闻. 111:67-73. \s

Kight, S.L. J.J. 1999. The effects of ambient temperature on the duration of maternal care in a burrower bug (Heteroptera: Cydnidae). 堪萨斯昆虫学会杂志. 71:183-187.

Kight, S.L. 1998. Precocene II modifies maternal responsiveness in the burrower bug, Sehirus cinctus (Heteroptera). 生理上的昆虫学. 23:38-42.

Krall, B.S.齐尔科斯基,B.W.,奈特,S.L.巴特尔,R.J. & 惠特曼,维.W. 1997. Chemistry and defensive efficacy of the secretion of the burrower bug (Sehirus cinctus cinctus). 化学生态学杂志. 23:1951-1962.

Kight, S.L. 1997. Factors influencing maternal behavior in a burrower bug, Sehirus cinctus, (Hemiptera: Cydnidae). 动物行为. 53:105-112

Kight, S.L. 1996. Post-conflict behavior in Japanese macaques at the Indianapolis zoo: Age of opponents influences reconciliation. 印第安纳科学院学报. 105:269-276.

Kight, S.L.罗泽玛·詹金斯,J. & Ng, B. 1996. 雌性旋转甲虫的不同接触行为, 同化蠓(鞘翅目:蠓科). 堪萨斯昆虫学会杂志. 69:360-362

Kight, S.L. 1996. Concaveation and maintenance of maternal behavior in a burrower bug \s(Sehirus cinctus): A comparative perspective. 比较心理学杂志. 110:69-76

Kight, S.L.斯普拉格,J., Kruse, K.C. & Johnson, L. 1995. 有卵的雄性水虫吗, 扁口蝇(半翅目:扁口蝇科), 受损的游泳者? 堪萨斯昆虫学会杂志68:468-470.

Kight, S.L. 1995. 母穴虫吗, 缢蛏(异翅目:蟹科), 利用空间和化学线索来区分鸡蛋? 加拿大动物杂志73:815-817.

Kight, S.L. & K.C. Kruse. 1992. Factors affecting the allocation of paternal care in waterbugs (Belostoma flumineum Say). 行为生态学和社会生物学(30:9 -414).




巨型水虫(Belostoma fluumum)的翻转行为.

Animals - and even some single celled organisms - are known to make alternating left and right sequential turns when correcting for locomotion along a straight line. 这种行为通常与逃避行为有关, 就像猎物从捕食者身边逃走一样, 或者在迁徙行为中, 就像动物朝着特定的目的地移动一样. We are presently investigating whether swimming insects exhibit such behavior in response to cues in the water that are associated with the presence or absence of predators. Our results are indicating that specific predators elicit turn alternation in giant waterbugs, 但其他掠食性物种却没有. We are curious whether this reflects historical relationships between prey and some, 但并非全部, 特定栖息地的掠食者.

入侵蟑螂种间竞争, Blatta外侧, 以及其他种类的蟑螂.

突厥斯坦蟑螂, Blatta外侧, was introduced to the western United States within the last few decades and has become invasive, 将其活动范围扩展到南部各州. We are curious to what degree behavior might be associated with the ability of the species to either coexist or outcompete species of cockroach already present in these regions. 为此目的, we are examining behavioral interactions in controlled laboratory experiments, between B. 侧枝和其他几个种, 包括德国蟑螂, 美洲蟑螂和杜比亚蟑螂. Our preliminary results indicate that interspecific behavioral interactions, 比如攻击性, 生境的使用, 以及迷宫行为, 根据不同的发展阶段而有所不同, 性别和物种.


We are documenting a shift over the last decade in the timing of breeding in a local population of giant waterbugs, Belostoma flumineum. These aquatic insects historically had two breedings seasons, one in the spring and one in the fall. 在过去的几年里, however, 在自然条件下,它们似乎不会在秋天繁殖, and laboratory experiments indicate that even under optimum conditions breeding is delayed by several months and associated with increased mortality and abandonment of young. We hypothesize that this effect may be associated with global patterns of climate change in which trophic interactions between primary producers and pollinators/herbivores have altered wood webs such that second or third tier carnivores (like giant waterbugs) are affected by food limitations.